Wednesday, February 12News That Matters

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be A People Pleaser.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be A People Pleaser.


I used to be a people pleaser. I wanted everyone to like me, so I was always trying to make them happy. If someone asked me to do something, I would say yes without even thinking about it. When my friends needed me, I was always there for them no matter what time it was or how busy I was with other things. At first this made me feel good because people liked being around me and they appreciated all the things that I did for them but after a while it became very tiring and stressful because there were just too many demands on my time and energy. Plus, pleasing others often made it difficult for me to accomplish my goals because when you’re always making sacrifices for someone else’s benefit then there isn’t much left over for yourself!

Pleasing Others Is Exhausting.

Pleasing others is exhausting, and it can cause you to lose sight of your own needs.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that pleasing others will somehow make them like or love you more.

In reality, this isn’t true at all. If anything, people are more likely to respect and value you when they know that you have boundaries around what is acceptable treatment from them and what isn’t.

Pleasing others also means that we often lose our sense of self in order to meet other people’s expectations—and sometimes these expectations aren’t even reasonable ones!

It Can Keep You From Reaching Your Goals.

You may be a people pleaser if you find yourself spending most of your time doing things for others and not enough time on things that are important to you. You might even sacrifice what’s best for you in order to keep other people happy, sometimes at the expense of your own health or well-being.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because being a people pleaser can be detrimental to your life goals. If you’re more concerned with pleasing others than reaching your personal goals, then perhaps it’s time to change that mindset so that you can achieve success in all areas of life—not just the ones where being nice is important!

It Can Cause Depression, Low Self Esteem And Anxiety.

One of the main reasons why you shouldn’t be a people pleaser is that it can lead to depression, low self-esteem and anxiety.

Why? Because you are always trying to please others as opposed to yourself. Being a people pleaser can also make it difficult for you to set boundaries so that you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of or feeling used by others. This can happen in romantic relationships, friendships and at work.

You May Find Yourself Doing Things That Are Not Good For You.

You may find yourself doing things that are not good for you.

People pleasing can be addictive. If you’re constantly giving to others, it’s easy to push aside your own needs and desires in order to please others. This can lead to resentment, burnout, and even physical health problems if left unchecked.

You may do things that are not good for others. When we do things because we want people around us to like or love us, we run the risk of manipulating them into liking or loving us instead of genuinely caring about what they need or want from us (and vice versa). We might also be more likely to agree when someone asks for something that doesn’t align with our values simply because we don’t want them to feel bad or disappointed in us—which isn’t fair on anyone involved!

You will attract negative people and relationships.

People pleasers attract other people pleasers. If you are a people pleaser, you will likely attract people who are also people pleasers. If a person is not interested in your wellbeing, goals or health — and they don’t have empathy for your feelings — then they are not someone that should be in your life at all. When this type of person enters the picture, it makes you feel like there is something wrong with YOU because they have such negative comments about everything!

You Are The Only Person Responsible For Your Happiness.

You are the only person responsible for your happiness.

You might think that the people around you have the power to make you happy or sad, but they don’t. They can only affect how you feel in the moment and how much effort you put into making yourself happy.

For example, if a friend asks if they can borrow your favorite sweater and then accidentally rips it while wearing it out to a bar, this is not something that should ruin your entire week! You will probably be upset at first but then realize that it’s okay because it was just an accident and nothing more than that. You’ll move on quickly because YOU want to move on quickly—not because someone forced themselves onto your schedule without asking (or without respecting any boundaries).


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make other people happy, but there is something wrong when it comes at the expense of your own well-being. If you constantly find yourself doing things that are not good for you in order to please others then maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities. It’s time for you to start prioritizing yourself, so that way when someone asks what they can do for YOU this time around they will actually have an answer!


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